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The Starfish is Released!

Watch it now in its entirety from popular streaming services - link here. 

The Award-Winning documentary chronicles the childhood journey of SATCO's Co-Founder Herbert Gildin, who, along with his two siblings, Margaret and Cele, escaped from Nazi Germany through the generosity of a foster family in Sweden, eventually to build their lives in America. The film was released for on-line viewing, May 5, 2020 on Apple TV, Amazon Prime and Vimeo on Demand.

The STARFISH is a portrait of Herbert Gildin’s life as chronicled by his grandson, Emmy Award winning director and producer, Tyler Gildin.  It is a compelling story of a life filled with hardship, compassion, humanity, family, perseverance, loyalty and reward.  

The film opens and closes with a speech Herb gives, relating himself to the parable of the starfish, a story whereby a boy casts one starfish back into the sea, while hundreds of others remain on the beach. And in the film, Herb is reflective on his life, the story of The Starfish, and how the impact one person can have on another through a selfless act of kindness.

For those who knew Herb Gildin in life, his outward focus was always on the present, building his life in America with his sister Margaret’s husband, Lou Kauffman. Together,  Herb and Lou grew their business, SATCO, into what it is today, one of the largest, privately-owned lighting manufacturers.

The values of hard work, perseverance, kindness and loyalty are his legacy. Many of SATCO’s employees have been with the company for over two decades, others more. SATCO takes great pride in giving people the chance, environment and opportunity for success, and this has proven reciprocal in nature, as SATCO continues to grow and prosper.  

Herb Gildin passed away on May 14, 2019.  This year would have marked his 91st birthday.  He worked right up until the very end, greeting his employees as he walked the halls and warehouse aisles every day.

In honor of his memory, SATCO will launch a new product category called STARFISH.  The smart connected lighting line will include indoor and outdoor lighting as well as electrical accessories for residential and light commercial applications.

His memory lives on at SATCO, everyday and in our credo, "We do the right thing."


Photos, in movie poster: The Gildin Children: Cele, Herbert and Margaret; Below:  Herb Gildin with wife, Gloria; Herb Gildin with Lou Kauffman, Herb Gildin with Grandson and Producer, Tyler Gildin and Alex Utay, Herb Gildin when he first began in the lighting business.